315 8385451

Entre los débiles me hice débil, a fin de ganar a los débiles. Me hice todo para todos, a fin de salvar a algunos por todos los medios posibles.

Boston FLEX School is the “FLEXIBLE” curricular proposal that is born from the needs of students, whose interests are inclined towards sports and/or the arts. The pedagogical approach is based on a theocentric strategy that seeks to comprehensively shape the mind of students and transform their minds in favor of their purpose (Whole person education).
BF first thoughts

Since 2016, Boston International School has been thinking about opening an institution, whose holistic vision is similar, conversely with a curricular proposal oriented towards the process of the student as a subject who creates knowledge.

Steppingstones of BF

In 2020, the school begins its work with parents of students interested in high-performance sports or Arts. It offers classes from K1 to K10.

Hybrid teaching and our first graduating class, Seniors 2021 in Boston Flex

In 2021, following the indications of the Ministry of National Education and the District Secretary of Education, an alternating proposal is implemented in the Boston Flex to complement the integral training of students. In addition, the first promotion of 25 young people who make up the group of Seniors 2021 is presented.


Boston Flex seeks to consolidate itself as a structured institution, following the basic standards of competencias established by the Ministry of National Education. It provides flexible conditions in terms of schedules and curricular commitments, allows each student to pursue their sporting or artistic dreams, all founded in the Word of God.